Members layouts

Dinton Pastures Light Railway

The layout was designed to fit on an ironing board. It is 5′ long by 14″ wide.

It needs one 13amp power supply and can be operated by one person (preferably from the back).

The back story is that a narrow gauge Railway had been laid to help with extraction of gravel from Dinton Pastures during the later 60’s. It is now 1970 and the railway is in the process of being handed over to a preservation society that has collected various items of locomotives and stock from around Northern Europe, though the occasional gavel train still runs.


An OO gauge layout built by Stuart Carter. It is a Great Western branch line terminus layout. It measures 12 ft x 2ft. It is controlled using an NCE digital control unit. Some locomotive are fitted with sound chips. Stuart has made several You Tube videos describing how he built and detailed this layout look for “keep calm and make stuff”.

Emmbrook Lane

Brian Lee has built this small N gauge layout. He has managed to fit it into an old wooden Croquet set box he bought at a local auction. Brian has built this layout to show that even if you have a very small amount of spare space you can still build a layout. It is digitally controlled and some of the DMU’s are fitted with sound chips.


Pitt Street Sidings

A small OO gauge shunting layout built by David, it measures 8ft by 15 inches and is digitally controlled . All the locomotives have sound chips. It is based in the 1960’s.


St. Mary’s Cove

This is the first N gauge layout that Brian Lee made. He has tried to show how much detail you can get in a small area of 3ft x 3ft. Brian is depicting this layout as a small preserved line operating in the West Country, this enables him to operate steam or diesel trains from any era. Brian has taken great care with the scenery and has included a beach scene with beach huts and sailing dinghy’s and a caravan site.

There will be some more members layouts to add to this page in the near future when they are completed.

St. Mary’s Cove